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Old 09-04-2024, 05:42 PM
sexasexa sexasexa is offline
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Post Sexy Dreams: �?Chapter 1

The gentle hum of the air conditioning, soothing in its own monotonous way, was the only sound I heard in my apartment. It was like a secret companion, at once keeping me sane and whispering a promise of a mental breakdown during lulls in conversation. It was the only thing that stayed consistent, day in and day out. My furniture, tasteful and modern as it was, held no joy for me as I slouched against the plush recliner.

I was in desperate need of entertainment, a break from the mundane existence that left me feeling so listless. Restless, I reached for the sleek remote, absentmindedly scrolling through endless channels of nothingness. I was an average bachelor in my mid-20's and had the life that went along with it, complete with mismatched socks and half-empty Chinese food containers in the fridge.

Of course, I had my fair share of romantic encounters, but none of them left me truly satisfied, like there was always something missing. Even as I recalled my last failed relationship, I couldn't help but feel a gut-wrenching emptiness bubble up in my chest. The woman I shared so much passion and intimacy with had, day by day, been replaced by a stranger that only saw me as her boring, unadventurous ex.

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