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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

Generic Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
;) Wink Wink
:confused: Confused Confused
:rolleyes: Roll Eyes (Sarcastic) Roll Eyes (Sarcastic)
:( Frown Frown
:p Stick Out Tongue Stick Out Tongue
:cool: Cool Cool
:eek: EEK! EEK!
:) Smile Smile
:o Embarrassment Embarrassment
:D Big Grin Big Grin
:mad: Mad Mad
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:69: 69 69
:hail: Hail Hail
:to_babruysk: To Babruysk To Babruysk
:bathbaby: Bathbaby Bathbaby
:horseshoe: Horseshoe Horseshoe
:brick: Brick Brick
:moil: Moil Moil
:Chainsawmadman_Emot Chainsawmadman Emoticon Chainsawmadman Emoticon
:puke: Puke Puke
:download: Download Download
:sleep: Sleep Sleep
:friends: Friends Friends
:stinker: Stinker Stinker
:third: Third Third
:ballchain: Ballchain Ballchain
:hang3: Hang3 Hang3
:whiphang2 : Whiphang2 Whiphang2
:bondagebuddy: Bondagebuddy Bondagebuddy
:laser: Laser Laser
:censored: Censored Censored
:pig_ball: Pig Ball Pig Ball
:cumbuddy: Cumbuddy Cumbuddy
:second: Second Second
:fencing: Fencing Fencing
:spanked: Spanked Spanked
:girl_werewolf: Girl Werewolf Girl Werewolf
:anal: Anal Anal
:handjob: Handjob Handjob
:vinsent: Vinsent Vinsent
:blowme: Blowme Blowme
:jason2: Jason2 Jason2
:slaves: Slaves Slaves
:buba_phone: Buba Phone Buba Phone
:noidea: Noidea Noidea
:compress: Compress Compress
:purplebananna: Purplebananna Purplebananna
:drum: Drum Drum
:smileysex: Smileysex Smileysex
:gdflasher: Gdflasher Gdflasher
:suicide2: Suicide2 Suicide2
:grouphug: Grouphug Grouphug
:tomato2: Tomato2 Tomato2
:Banane56: Banane56 Banane56
:help: Help Help
:wrestler: Wrestler Wrestler
:boxing: Boxing Boxing
:love: Love Love
:chainsaw: Chainsaw Chainsaw
:protest: Protest Protest
:doh: Doh Doh
:skull: Skull Skull
:flame: Flame Flame
:spy: Spy Spy
:teabag: Teabag Teabag
:axesmiley: Axesmiley Axesmiley
:hang2: Hang2 Hang2
:whip: Whip Whip
:bomb: Bomb Bomb
:kiss3: Kiss3 Kiss3
:butcher: Butcher Butcher
:ph34r: Ph34r Ph34r
:crucified: Crucified Crucified
:rollerskater: Rollerskater Rollerskater
:faint: Faint Faint
:smoke: Smoke Smoke
:girl_devil: Girl Devil Girl Devil
:alcoholic: Alcoholic Alcoholic
:hammer: Hammer Hammer
:vampire: Vampire Vampire
:bedsex: Bedsex Bedsex
:hotwhip: Hotwhip Hotwhip
:bbwsmile: bbwsmile bbwsmile
:nanahump: Nanahump Nanahump
:cheer2: Cheer2 Cheer2
:punish: Punish Punish
:drinks: Drinks Drinks
:smiley-sex022: Smiley Sex022 Smiley Sex022
:fruitsex: Fruitsex Fruitsex
:suicide: Suicide Suicide
:gossip: Gossip Gossip
:threaten: Threaten Threaten
:bananadoggywow: Bananadoggywow Bananadoggywow
:hang4: Hang4 Hang4
:wink2: Wink2 Wink2
:bootyshake: Bootyshake Bootyshake
:lock1: Lock1 Lock1
:censored2: Censored2 Censored2
:pound: Pound Pound
:diablo: Diablo Diablo
:skateboard: Skateboard Skateboard
:first: First First
:spiteful: Spiteful Spiteful
:Sweep2: Sweep2 Sweep2
:assassin: Assassin Assassin
:hang1: Hang1 Hang1
:warning2: Warning2 Warning2
:boink: Boink Boink
:jumping: Jumping Jumping
:bump2: Bump2 Bump2
:overtheknee: Overtheknee Overtheknee
:crop: Crop Crop
:rip: Rip Rip
:evil: Evil Evil
:smiley_nutkick: Smiley Nutkick Smiley Nutkick
:giljotiini: Giljotiini Giljotiini
:bowme: Bowme Bowme
:bow_kneelsuckers: Bow Kneelsuckers Bow Kneelsuckers

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DISCLAIMER: The Extreme-Board site and staff do not encourage or condone the spanking or punishment of real children or any other form of child abuse.
Anyone requesting or posting images of real children will be banned and reported to their countries authorities for distributing and/or soliciting child pornography.

The contents of these forums are intended to provide information only. Nothing in these forums is intended to replace competent professional advice and care. Opinions expressed herein are those of individual members writing in their private capacities only and do not necessarily reflect the views of the site owners and staff. If you are the author or copyright holder of an image or story that has been uploaded without your consent please Contact Us to request its removal.